Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies Good to Great Jim Collins Jerry I Porras 9780060516406 Books ebook CUM

Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies Good to Great Jim Collins Jerry I Porras 9780060516406 Books ebook Built%20to%20Last%20Successful%20Habits%20of%20Visionary%20Companies%20Good%20to%20Great%20Jim%20Collins%20Jerry%20I%20Porras%209780060516406%20Books


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ebook Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies Good to Great Jim Collins Jerry I Porras 9780060516406 Books ANM

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  • Drawing upon a six-year research project at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. They examined the companies from their very beginnings to the present day -- as start-ups, as midsize companies, and as large corporations. Throughout, the authors asked "What makes the truly exceptional companies different from the comparison companies and what were the common practices these enduringly great companies followed throughout their history?"

    Filled with hundreds of specific examples and organized into a coherent framework of practical concepts that can be applied by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels, Built to Last provides a master blueprint for building organizations that will prosper long into the 21st century and beyond.

    Jim Collins, Jerry I Porras,Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Good to Great),Harper Business,0060516402,Corporate Business History,Development - Sustainable Development,Management,Entrepreneurship - United States,Entrepreneurship;United States.,Industrial management - United States,Industrial management;United States.,Success in business - United States,Success in business;United States.,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Corporate Business History,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Development / Sustainable Development,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,Business Economics,Business Economics/Management - General,Business management,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,Corporate Business History - General,Entrepreneurship,GENERAL,General Adult,Industrial management,Management - General,Non-Fiction,Success in business,United States,Jim Collins; jim collens; james Collins; jim collinz; business; strategy; business-management; business-leadership; entrepreneurship; entrepreneur; winning; leadership; leader; innovation; management; work; success; self-improvement; mba; professional development; personal development; career; achievement; profit; performance; money; organizational psychology; organization; good to great; great to good; business classic; why some companies succeed; why some companies make the leap; built to last; sucessful habits of visionary companies; successful habits; visionary companies; successful companies; well-built companies; good management; jerry I. Porras; Jerry Porras; Standford; Standford University Graduate School of Business; start-ups; large corporations; superior performance; personal finance; back to school; father's day; graduation

    Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies Good to Great Jim Collins Jerry I Porras 9780060516406 Books Reviews :

    Drawing upon a six-year research project at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. They examined the companies from their very beginnings to the present day -- as start-ups, as midsize companies, and as large corporations. Throughout, the authors asked "What makes the truly exceptional companies different from the comparison companies and what were the common practices these enduringly great companies followed throughout their history?"

    Filled with hundreds of specific examples and organized into a coherent framework of practical concepts that can be applied by managers and entrepreneurs at all levels, Built to Last provides a master blueprint for building organizations that will prosper long into the 21st century and beyond.

    Jim Collins, Jerry I Porras,Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Good to Great),Harper Business,0060516402,Corporate Business History,Development - Sustainable Development,Management,Entrepreneurship - United States,Entrepreneurship;United States.,Industrial management - United States,Industrial management;United States.,Success in business - United States,Success in business;United States.,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Corporate Business History,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Development / Sustainable Development,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Management,Business Economics,Business Economics/Management - General,Business management,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,Corporate Business History - General,Entrepreneurship,GENERAL,General Adult,Industrial management,Management - General,Non-Fiction,Success in business,United States,Jim Collins; jim collens; james Collins; jim collinz; business; strategy; business-management; business-leadership; entrepreneurship; entrepreneur; winning; leadership; leader; innovation; management; work; success; self-improvement; mba; professional development; personal development; career; achievement; profit; performance; money; organizational psychology; organization; good to great; great to good; business classic; why some companies succeed; why some companies make the leap; built to last; sucessful habits of visionary companies; successful habits; visionary companies; successful companies; well-built companies; good management; jerry I. Porras; Jerry Porras; Standford; Standford University Graduate School of Business; start-ups; large corporations; superior performance; personal finance; back to school; father's day; graduation

    Built to Last Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Good to Great) [Jim Collins, Jerry I Porras] on . Drawing upon a six-year research project at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. They examined the companies from their very beginnings to the present day -- as start-ups


    Product details

    • Series Good to Great (Book 2)
    • Paperback 368 pages
    • Publisher Harper Business; 3rd ed. edition (October 26, 1994)
    • Language English
    • ISBN-10 0060516402
    "" [Review ]

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